5 Steps for Youth Success - By Corey Welsh
5. Practice
Any task or event before the hunt such as shooting, keeping our voices down, and closing the truck door starts here. We try to get these potential mistakes out of the way before heading in the field. That allows for the youth hunters to adapt as they learn they tactics of a successful hunt.
4. Setup
Gear preparation and set up is an essential for success.
a. Firearm that fits with solid rest. We use a bog pod.
b. While hunting in a blind, having a chair or seat that is quiet with an adjustable height setting is crucial.
c. Scouting existing food sources or creating foodplots for youth hunting has been another asset to our hunting areas. This is very essential in our early youth season for evening deer movement.
3. Timing the conditions
Waiting for the right condition to hunt a specific area or deer is a great tactic. Going hunting when the deer are most active keeps the kids engaged and in the action. Getting skunked is rough on a youth hunter along with burning out your hunting area.
2. Down time activities.
a. Pack the SNACKS! - keep them in packages that aren't noisy.
b. Taking a camera and filming wildlife or younger bucks keeps the kids involved in the hunt. They have something to show for their friends and family even if they don't kill. Sometimes a tablet is great for passing the time, watching hunting videos or playing a game is a great way to pass the slow times of the sit.
1. Keep it FUN!
This step ties everything together, it should be incorporated and practiced through every step. We like to hunt squirrels when conditions aren't ideal for whitetails. Challenge the youth with scouting quizzes and trail camera placement. They are going to make mistakes, its all part of the experience!
Blind - NXT GEN or RAM
Tripod - BOG Deathgrip
Savage 350 Legend
Blaze orange Vest and Hat
Homework or Reading Material
IPAD or cell phone for videos and games
Snacks - Fruit Snacks, Jerky, Turkey Sandwiches
Pee Bottle - Kids have small bladders (when you gotta go, you gotta go)